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Skin cancers affecting the feet may have a very different appearance from those arising on the rest of the body. The types of skin cancer that are most likely to show up on the feet are basal cell, squamous cell, and malignant melanoma. These forms of cancer are identified by skillful examination and skin biopsy, when appropriate.
Skin cancer usually appears in sun exposed areas of the body. However, there are forms which show up on the foot. This would include suspicious areas with unusual pigmentation, cracking or bleeding, or any wound that is not healing as expected. Prevention of skin cancer on the feet and ankles is similar to any other body part: limit sun exposure and make sure to apply appropriate sunscreen when your feet and ankles are exposed to the sun.
The skin of the feet is often overlooked during routine medical examinations. Therefore, it important that the feet are checked regularly for abnormalities that show up as itchy calluses, discolored areas with irregular edges, or any unusual open wounds.
Treatment varies on the type of cancer identified. Basal cell cancer is usually self-limiting and rarely spreads beyond the level of the skin. Treatment for basal cell cancer includes careful monitoring and excision or freezing growing lesions. This is usually sufficient to keep basal cell in check. However, squamous cell cancer and malignant melanoma must be biopsied to determine the level of cancerous spread. Surgery may be required to remove these cancers.
Corns and calluses are areas of thick, hard, dead skin. They form to protect your skin from injury. Corns usually form where the toes rub together. Calluses often form on the feet in areas of high pressure such as the bottom of the feet as well as the tops or tips of toes due to friction. They may form wherever the skin rubs against something, such as shoes.
Corns and calluses may be extremely painful when using specific shoe gear or in daily activities. The underlying reasons for corns or calluses can be foot types such as high arches or low arches or from wearing inappropriate shoe gear that places pressure on different areas of the foot. Corns/calluses can also be caused because the toes may be curling under, causing hammertoes that eventually become irritated at the top of the toe.
Some treatments that can be provided by podiatric physicians include the use of protective pads, such as moleskin, to cushion the callus or corn as well as the removal of the dead skin by a physician. Corns and calluses should never be shaved off with knives or other equipment at home. This can lead to infections in the foot and ankle. If conservative treatments are not sufficient, then a surgical treatment for these conditions may need to be considered.
Athlete’s foot is a dry, scaly, & itchy rash on the foot caused by an infection with a fungus. You can get it by going barefoot in wet public areas, such as swimming pools or locker rooms as well as from excessive sweating without a change in socks. Many times there is no clear reason why people acquire athletes foot but if it continues it can lead to openings in the skin and bacterial skin infections.
Other causes of skin fungus are having an immune system that does not function appropriately as well as conditions like diabetes and circulation problems that affect the sweat ducts and vessels in the lower extremities. Therefore, it is important to be evaluated as soon as possible, if patients feel that they might have a fungal infection.
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