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Breaks, fractures, sprains and strains may occur in the bones of the feet and ankles in both young and old people. They occur because of sports injuries, car accidents, or simple falls. Possible breaks, fractures and sprains need to be treated immediately because if they are exacerbated, patients could experience long-term difficulties with exercising, walking, running, etc.

Some causes of the fractures and sprains include traumatic events such as car accidents or falls, but can also be caused by injuries while playing sports. Some symptoms of these conditions include swelling of the foot and ankle, pain, redness, bruising, and inability to walk or place pressure on the foot or ankle. Additionally, if there is a concern about a fracture with an open wound, this is considered a medical emergency and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

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Treatment Options

Podiatric physicians may begin treatment by completing X-rays, MRIs, or CTs. In addition, the patient may have to be placed in a cast, walker boot, or brace in order to allow the problems to resolve. If the injury is so severe that it cannot be treated with conservative measures, surgical treatment may be considered in order to make sure that the individual may return to all normal activities.

If you think that you may have broken a bone or sprained/strained the foot or ankle, please contact our physicians at Southwest Austin Foot & Ankle Clinic to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

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